Citus Blog

Articles tagged: tips

Craig Kerstiens

Fun with SQL: generate_series in Postgres

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | March 14, 2018Mar 14, 2018

There are times within Postgres where you may want to generate sample data or some consistent series of records to join in order for reporting. Enter the simple but handy set returning function of Postgres: generate_series. generate_series as the name implies allows you to generate a set of data starting at some point, ending at another point, and optionally set the incrementing value. generate_series works on two datatypes:

  • integers
  • timestamps

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Sai Krishna Srirampur

Fun with SQL: Relocating shards on a Citus database cluster

Written byBy Sai Srirampur | February 28, 2018Feb 28, 2018

The Citus extension to Postgres allows you to shard your Postgres database across multiple nodes without having to make major changes to your SaaS application. Citus then provides performance improvements (as compared to single-node Postgres) by transforming SQL queries and distributing queries across multiple nodes, thereby parallelizing the workload. This means that a 2 node, 4 core Citus database cluster could perform 4x faster than single node Postgres.

With the Citus shard rebalancer, you can easily scale your database cluster from 2 nodes to 3 nodes or 4 nodes, with no downtime. You simply run the move shard function on the co-location group you want move shards for, and Citus takes care of the rest. When Citus moves shards, it ensures tables that are co-located stay together. This means all of your joins, say, from orders to order_items still work, just as you'd expect.

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Marco Slot

When Postgres blocks: 7 tips for dealing with locks

Written byBy Marco Slot | February 22, 2018Feb 22, 2018

Last week I wrote about locking behaviour in Postgres, which commands block each other, and how you can diagnose blocked commands. Of course, after the diagnosis you may also want a cure. With Postgres it is possible to shoot yourself in the foot, but Postgres also offers you a way to stay on target. These are some of the important do’s and don’ts that we’ve seen as helpful when working with users to migrate from their single node Postgres database to Citus or when building new real-time analytics apps on Citus.

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Marco Slot

PostgreSQL rocks, except when it blocks: Understanding locks

Written byBy Marco Slot | February 15, 2018Feb 15, 2018

On the Citus open source team, we engineers take an active role in helping our users scale out their Postgres database, be it for migrating an existing application or building a new application from scratch. This means we help you with distributing your relational data model—and also with getting the most out of Postgres.

One problem I often see users struggle with when it comes to Postgres is locks. While Postgres is amazing at running multiple operations at the same time, there are a few cases in which Postgres needs to block an operation using a lock. You therefore have to be careful about which locks your transactions take, but with the high-level abstractions that PostgreSQL provides, it can be difficult to know exactly what will happen. This post aims to demystify the locking behaviors in Postgres, and to give advice on how to avoid common problems.

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Craig Kerstiens

Customizing My Postgres Shell

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | July 16, 2017Jul 16, 2017

As a developer your CLI is your home. You spend a lifetime of person-years in your shell and even small optimizations can pay major dividends to your efficiency. For anyone that works with Postgres and likely the psql editor, you should consider investing some love and care into psql. A little known fact is that psql has a number of options you can configure it with, and these configuration options can all live within an rc file called psqlrc in your home directory. Here is my .psqlrc file, which I've customized to my liking. Let’s walk through some of the commands within my .psqlrc file:

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Distributed databases often require you to give up SQL and ACID transactions as a trade-off for scale. Citus is a different kind of distributed database. As an extension to PostgreSQL, Citus can leverage PostgreSQL’s internal logic to distribute more sophisticated data models. If you’re building a multi-tenant application, Citus can transparently scale out the underlying database in a way that allows you to keep using advanced SQL queries and transaction blocks.

In multi-tenant applications, most data and queries are specific to a particular tenant. If all tables have a tenant ID column and are distributed by this column, and all queries filter by tenant ID, then Citus supports the full SQL functionality of PostgreSQL—including complex joins and transaction blocks—by transparently delegating each query to the node that stores the tenant’s data. This means that with Citus, you don’t lose any of the functionality or transactional guarantees that you are used to in PostgreSQL, even though your database has been transparently scaled out across many servers. In addition, you can manage your distributed database through parallel DDL, tenant isolation, high performance data loading, and cross-tenant queries.

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Lukas Fittl

Postgres tips for Rails developers

Written byBy Lukas Fittl | April 28, 2017Apr 28, 2017

This week at RailsConf, we found ourselves sharing a lot of tips for using PostgreSQL with Rails. We thought it might be worthwhile to write up many of these and share more broadly. Here you’ll find some tips that will help you in debugging and improving performance of your database from your Rails app.

And now, on to the code.

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Update: This post was originally published in January 2013. We updated the post in 2017 to include the appropriate SQL commands you can use with Citus. The Citus extension to Postgres is open source and available to try via download or in the cloud via the Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL managed service.

PostgreSQL's Full Text Search capability is an excellent example of a powerful, relatively new feature that Citus users are able to leverage. First introduced in PostgreSQL 8.3 and continuously improved since then, Full Text Search (FTS) provides the SQL semantics necessary to run keyword searches over a corpus of documents stored in a database. FTS executes these operations efficiently by enabling the use of GIN and GiST indexes . In addition, from our standpoint, one of the best features of FTS is that Citus makes it linearly scalable. Specifically, with Citus one can double the size of the search dataset and still satisfy the same SLAs simply by doubling the number of machines in the Citus cluster.

In this blog post we wanted to demonstrate using Full Text Search with Citus, but in order to do so we first needed to find an interesting dataset to use in our examples. After hunting around we eventually hit on the idea of using email archives from the PostgreSQL mailing lists. Besides having a nicely self-reflexive quality about it, we also thought this would provide a good opportunity to learn more about the PostgreSQL community. Early in the history of PostgreSQL project, these lists became the primary communication mechanism for both developers and users, and the collected archives in turn provide a unique opportunity to get a complete view of almost everything that has happened in the project over the past fifteen years.

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Joe Nelson

Faster PostgreSQL Counting

Written byBy Joe Nelson | October 12, 2016Oct 12, 2016

Everybody counts, but not always quickly. This article is a close look into how PostgreSQL optimizes counting. If you know the tricks there are ways to count rows orders of magnitude faster than you do already.

The problem is actually underdescribed...

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In any as-a-service business, which bills monthly, a key metric you track is MRR or monthly recurring revenue. It's good practice to have this on a dashboard and check it on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. If you have a simple pricing model that has set monthly plans, say like Netflix this is pretty easy to calculate:

SELECT sum(user_subscriptions.price)
FROM user_subscriptions
WHERE users_subscriptions.ended_at IS null;

The above will give you the run rate as of this exact moment in time. It gets a little more complicated to do this in a single query that gives it to you over time.

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