Flexible Pricing

Citus is available as an open source extension to PostgreSQL and in the cloud on Microsoft Azure, as the Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL managed service. The choice is yours.

cloud database animation

Ways to Get Citus

Citus Open Source icon

Citus Open Source




The Citus extension to Postgres is 100% open source. With Citus 11, you have new cluster activity views and you can now query your database cluster from any Citus node.

Azure cloud icon

Citus on Azure

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Pricing starting at


With the Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL managed service, you pay only for what you use—or you can choose reserved capacity pricing.

*East US pricing. Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL pricing varies by region.

Try Citus on Azure for FREE

In addition to being open source, Citus is available as a managed service in the cloud with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL. The easiest way to spin up Citus in the cloud is to provision a single Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL node. Try it for free.


Want to read the docs about Citus on Azure?
Read the docs