Citus Blog

Articles tagged: tips

Samay Sharma

Debugging Postgres autovacuum problems: 13 tips

Written byBy Samay Sharma | July 28, 2022Jul 28, 2022

If you've been running PostgreSQL for a while, you've heard about autovacuum. Yes, autovacuum, the thing which everybody asks you not to turn off, which is supposed to keep your database clean and reduce bloat automatically.

And yet—imagine this: one fine day, you see that your database size is larger than you expect, the I/O load on your database has increased, and things have slowed down without much change in workload. You begin looking into what might have happened. You run the excellent Postgres bloat query and you notice you have a lot of bloat. So you run the VACUUM command manually to clear the bloat in your Postgres database. Good!

But then you have to address the elephant in the room: why didn't Postgres autovacuum clean up the bloat in the first place...? Does the above story sound familiar? Well, you are not alone. 😊

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If you have a large PostgreSQL database that runs on a single node, eventually the single node’s resources—such as memory, CPU, and disk—may deliver query responses that are too slow. That is when you may want to use the Citus extension to Postgres to distribute your tables across a cluster of Postgres nodes.

In your large database, Citus will shine for large tables, since the distributed Citus tables will benefit from the memory across all of the nodes in the cluster. But what if your Postgres database also contains some small tables which easily fit into a single node’s memory? You might be wondering: do you need to distribute these smaller tables, even though there wouldn’t be much performance gain from distributing them?

Fortunately, as of the Citus 10 release, you do not have to choose: you can distribute your large tables across a Citus cluster and continue using your smaller tables as local Postgres tables on the Citus coordinator.

One of the new features in Citus 10 that enables you to use a hybrid “local+distributed” Postgres database is that you can now JOIN local tables and distributed tables. (The other new Citus 10 feature has to do with foreign keys between local and reference tables.)

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One of the main reasons people use Citus to transform Postgres into a distributed database is that with Citus, you can scale out horizontally while still enjoying PostgreSQL’s great RDBMS features. Whether you’re already a Postgres expert or are new to Postgres, you probably know one of the benefits of using a relational database is to have relations between your tables. And one of the ways you can relate your tables is of course to use foreign keys.

A foreign key ensures referential integrity, which can help you to avoid bugs in applications. For example, a foreign key can be used to ensure that a table of “orders” can only reference customer IDs that exist in the “customers” table.

If you have already heard about Citus 10, you know that Citus 10 gives you more support for hybrid data models, which means that you can easily combine regular Postgres tables with distributed Citus tables to get the best of the single node and distributed Postgres worlds.

This post will walk you through one of the new features in Citus 10: support for foreign keys between local Postgres tables and Citus reference tables.

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This year, I was so excited about doing a workshop about optimizing Python & Django apps with Postgres superpowers for the PyCon 2020 conference.

Working with other developers on performance is something I always find amazing. So props to the Python people at Microsoft who encouraged my team to create a workshop on Postgres for PyCon 2020. Thank you to Nina Zakharenko, Dan Taylor, & Crystal Kelch.

Alas, we had to change our plans and find other ways to share the PostgreSQL workshop content that we had prepared. So I created a video on the topic of database performance for Django developers, to help teach you the PostgreSQL tips and tricks that have served me well in optimizing my Django apps. These tips are what I call "Postgres superpowers."

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Claire Giordano

Tips on how to get your conference talk SELECTED

Written byBy Claire Giordano | January 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020

As I get ready for the PgDay San Francisco event that is happening next Tue 21 January—a one-day, single-track Postgres community event at the awesome Swedish American Hall in SF—I’m reflecting a bit on how important the speakers are to developer events. Let’s face it, without speakers, there would be no conference.

And because I was on the PgDaySF talk selection committee, I’ve had some good conversations these last few months about CFPs, conference talks, how talk selection committees work, and how you can improve your chances at getting your proposals accepted. So I thought it would be useful to walk through the tips I've accumulated on how to get your conference talk accepted—at a Postgres conference, or at any developer conference.

These tips are premised on the notion that a good conference talk requires these 4 things:

  1. interestingness: a topic people will care about—and learn from
  2. knowledgeable speaker who knows their subject & can communicate effectively with an audience—so people can follow, understand, and learn
  3. a hook: a compelling title & abstract that will hook people and entice them to attend
  4. fits holistically into the rest of the lineup: a talk that complements the rest of the talks at the event, that adds something unique, and doesn’t overlap the other talks in a significant way
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Craig Kerstiens

Postgres tips for the average and power user

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | July 17, 2019Jul 17, 2019

Personally I'm a big fan of email, just like blogging. To me a good email thread can be like a good novel where you're following along always curious for what comes next. And no, I don't mean the ones where there is an email to and someone replies all, to only receive reply-all's to not reply-all. I mean ones like started last week internally among the Azure Postgres team.

The first email was titled: Random Citus development and psql tips, and from there it piled on to be more and more tips and power user suggestions for Postgres. Some of these tips are relevant if you're working directly on the Citus open source code, others relevant as anyone that works with Postgres, and some useful for debugging Postgres internals. While the thread is still ongoing here is just a few of the great tips:

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Lukas Fittl

Managing multiple databases in Rails 6

Written byBy Lukas Fittl | May 23, 2019May 23, 2019

If you’ve worked with Ruby on Rails you likely have some understanding of how your database works with Rails, traditionally that has always meant specifying a single database per environment in your config/database.yml, possibly together with an environment setting like DATABASE_URL. Based on that configuration all reads and writes will access the database.

With Rails 6 this is about to change, thanks to the work of Eileen M. Uchitelle together with contributors from GitHub, Basecamp and Shopify. In the upcoming Rails 6 (currently in RC1), you will be able to easily change which database server you are connecting to, to support a variety of scenarios such as using read replicas and splitting your database into dedicated components.

The most interesting part, which we wanted to detail in this post, is related to configuring automatic queries against a read replicas, or follower database.

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Craig Kerstiens

A health check playbook for your Postgres database

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | March 29, 2019Mar 29, 2019

I talk with a lot of folks that set their database up, start working with it, and then are surprised by issues that suddenly crop up out of nowhere. The reality is, so many don't want to have to be a DBA, instead you would rather build features and just have the database work. But your is that a database is a living breathing thing. As the data itself changes what is the right way to query and behave changes. Making sure your database is healthy and performing at it's maximum level doesn't require a giant overhaul constantly. In fact you can probably view it similar to how you approach personal health. Regular check-ups allow you to make small but important adjustments without having to make dramatic life altering changes to keep you on the right path.

After years of running and managing literally millions of Postgres databases, here's my breakdown of what your regular Postgres health check should look like. Consider running this on a monthly basis to be able to make small tweaks and adjustments and avoid the drastic changes.

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Craig Kerstiens

How to evaluate your next database

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | March 20, 2019Mar 20, 2019

Choosing a database isn't something you do every day. You generally choose it once for a project, then don't look back. If you experience years of success with your application you one day have to migrate to a new database, but that occurs years down the line. In choosing a database there are a few key things to consider. Here is your checklist, and spoiler alert, Postgres checks out strongly in each of these categories.

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Craig Kerstiens

Fun with SQL: Text and system functions

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | March 13, 2019Mar 13, 2019

SQL by itself is great and powerful, and Postgres supports a broad array of more modern SQL including things like window functions and common table expressions. But rarely do I write a query where I don't want to tweak or format the data I'm getting back out of the database. Thankfully Postgres has a rich array of functions to help with converting or formatting data. These built-in functions save me from having to do the logic elsewhere or write my own functions, in other words I have to do less work because Postgres has already done it for me which I'm always happy about.

We've covered a set of functions earlier, today we're going to look at some different categories of functions to dive deeper.

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