Louise Grandjonc

Louise Grandjonc


Former Postgres and Citus solutions engineer at Microsoft. Loves working on database performance and tuning SQL queries. Speaker at PGConf.EU, PyCon, DjangoCon, PyBay, PyCaribbean, & more. Bass viol player. Avid reader.

Louise Grandjonc

Postgres tips for optimizing Django & Python performance, from my PyCon workshop

Written by By Louise Grandjonc | May 20, 2020 May 20, 2020

This year, I was so excited about doing a workshop about optimizing Python & Django apps with Postgres superpowers for the PyCon 2020 conference.

Working with other developers on performance is something I always find amazing. So props to the Python people at Microsoft who encouraged my team to create a workshop on Postgres for PyCon 2020. Thank you to Nina Zakharenko, Dan Taylor, & Crystal Kelch.

Alas, we had to change our plans and find other ways to share the PostgreSQL workshop content that we had prepared. So I created a video on the topic of database performance for Django developers, to help teach you the PostgreSQL tips and tricks that have served me well in optimizing my Django apps. These tips are what I call "Postgres superpowers."

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Louise Grandjonc

Testing your Django app with Citus

Written by By Louise Grandjonc | July 5, 2019 Jul 5, 2019

Recently, I started working on the django-multitenant application. The main reason we created it was to to help django developers use citus in their app. While I was working on it, I wrote unit tests. And to be able to reproduce a customer’s production environment, I wanted the tests to use citus and not a single node postgres. If you are using citus as your production database, we encourage you to have it running in your development environment as well as your staging environments to be able to minimise the gap between dev and production. To understand better the importance of dev/prod parity, I recommend reading the Twelve-Factor app that will give you ideas to lower the chances of having last minute surprising when deploying on prod.

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