Joe Nelson

Joe Nelson


Technical writer for Citus open source & Azure Database for Postgres. Striving for a deeper understanding of timeless and fundamental technology. Luddite affection for dumb phones, card games, & chalkboards.

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Joe Nelson

Postgres Autovacuum is Not the Enemy

Written by By Joe Nelson | November 4, 2016 Nov 4, 2016

It’s a common misconception that high volume read-write workloads in PostgreSQL inevitably causes database inefficiency. We’ve heard of cases where users encounter slowdowns doing only a few hundred writes per second and turn to systems like Dynamo...

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Joe Nelson

Faster PostgreSQL Counting

Written by By Joe Nelson | October 12, 2016 Oct 12, 2016

Everybody counts, but not always quickly. This article is a close look into how PostgreSQL optimizes counting. If you know the tricks there are ways to count rows orders of magnitude faster than you do already.

The problem is actually underdescribed...

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Joe Nelson

Five ways to paginate in Postgres, from the basic to the exotic

Written by By Joe Nelson | March 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016

It may surprise you that pagination, pervasive as it is in web applications, is easy to implement inefficiently. In this article we'll examine several methods of server-side pagination and discuss their tradeoffs when implemented in PostgreSQL. This article will help you identify which technique is appropriate for your situation, including some you may not have seen before which rely on physical clustering and the database stats collector.

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