Citus Blog

Articles tagged: Citus

Marco Slot

Test drive the Citus 11.0 beta for Postgres

Written byBy Marco Slot | March 26, 2022Mar 26, 2022

Today we released Citus 11.0 beta, which is our first ever beta release of the Citus open source extension to Postgres. The reason we are releasing a beta version of 11.0 is that we are introducing a few fundamentally new capabilities, and we would like to get feedback from those of you who use Citus before we release Citus 11.0 to the world.

The biggest change in Citus 11.0 beta is that the schema and Citus metadata are now automatically synchronized throughout the database cluster. That means you can always query distributed tables from any node in a Citus cluster!

The easiest way to use Citus is to connect to the coordinator node and use it for both schema changes and distributed queries, but for very demanding applications, you now have the option to load balance distributed queries across the worker nodes in (parts of) your application by using a different connection string and factoring a few limitations.

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My main advice when running performance benchmarks for Postgres is: "Automate it!"

If you're measuring database performance, you are likely going to have to run the same benchmark over and over again. Either because you want a slightly different configuration, or because you realized you used some wrong settings, or maybe some other reason. By automating the way you're running performance benchmarks, you won't be too annoyed when this happens, because re-running the benchmarks will cost very little effort (it will only cost some time).

However, building this automation for the database benchmarks can be very time-consuming, too. So, in this post I'll share the tools I built to make it easy to run benchmarks against Postgres—specifically against the Citus extension to Postgres running in a managed database service on Azure called Hyperscale (Citus) in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Here's your map for reading this post: each anchor link takes you to a different section. The first sections explore the different types of application workloads and their characteristics, plus the off-the-shelf benchmarks that are commonly used for each. After that you can dive into the "how to" aspects of using HammerDB with Citus and Postgres on Azure. And yes, you'll see some sample benchmarking results, too.

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Gurkan Indibay

Tips for installing Citus and Postgres packages

Written byBy Gürkan İndibay | January 22, 2022Jan 22, 2022

Citus is a great extension for scaling out Postgres databases horizontally. You can use Citus either on the cloud on Azure or you can download Citus open source and install it wherever. In this blog post, we will focus on Citus open source packaging and installation.

When you go to the Citus download page to download the Citus packages—or you visit the Citus open source docs—many of you jump straight to the install instructions and the particular OS you’re looking for. That way, you can get straight to sharding Postgres with Citus.

But what if you want to see which operating systems the Citus packages support? Or what if you want to install Citus with an older version of Postgres?

This post will answer these types of nitty-gritty questions about Citus packages and their usages. Specifically, this post will cover these questions:

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Burak Velioglu

How to scale Postgres for time series data with Citus

Written byBy Burak Velioglu | October 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021

Managing time series data at scale can be a challenge. PostgreSQL offers many powerful data processing features such as indexes, COPY and SQL—but the high data volumes and ever-growing nature of time series data can cause your database to slow down over time.

Fortunately, Postgres has a built-in solution to this problem: Partitioning tables by time range.

Partitioning with the Postgres declarative partitioning feature can help you speed up query and ingest times for your time series workloads. Range partitioning lets you create a table and break it up into smaller partitions, based on ranges (typically time ranges). Query performance improves since each query only has to deal with much smaller chunks. Though, you’ll still be limited by the memory, CPU, and storage resources of your Postgres server.

The good news is you can scale out your partitioned Postgres tables to handle enormous amounts of data by distributing the partitions across a cluster. How? By using the Citus extension to Postgres. In other words, with Citus you can create distributed time-partitioned tables. To save disk space on your nodes, you can also compress your partitions—without giving up indexes on them. Even better: the latest Citus 10.2 open-source release makes it a lot easier to manage your partitions in PostgreSQL.

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Today, we are excited to announce PostgreSQL 14's General Availability (GA) on Azure's Hyperscale (Citus) option. To our knowledge, this is the first time a major cloud provider has announced GA for a new Postgres major version on their platform one day after the official release.

Starting today, you can deploy Postgres 14 in many Hyperscale (Citus) regions. In upcoming months, we will roll out Postgres 14 across more Azure regions and also release it with our new Flexible Server option in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

This announcement helps us bring the latest in Postgres to Azure customers as new features become available. Further, it shows our commitment to open source PostgreSQL and its ecosystem. We choose to extend Postgres and share our contributions, instead of creating and managing a proprietary fork on the cloud.

In this blog post, you'll first get a glimpse into some of our favorite features in Postgres 14. These include connection scaling, faster VACUUM, and improvements to crash recovery times.

We'll then describe the work involved in making Postgres extensions compatible with new major Postgres versions, including our distributed database Citus as well as other extensions such as HyperLogLog (HLL), pg_cron, and TopN. Finally, you'll learn how packaging, testing, and deployments work on Hyperscale (Citus). This last part ties everything together and enables us to release new versions on Azure, with speed.

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Onder Kalaci

What’s new in the Citus 10.2 extension to Postgres

Written byBy Onder Kalaci | September 17, 2021Sep 17, 2021

Citus 10.2 is out! If you are not yet familiar with Citus, it is an open source extension to Postgres that transforms Postgres into a distributed database—so you can achieve high performance at any scale. The Citus open source packages are available for download. And Citus is also available in the cloud as a managed service, too.

You can see a bulleted list of all the changes in the CHANGELOG on GitHub. This post is your guide to what’s new in Citus 10.2, including some of these headline features.

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With the 10.1 release to the Citus extension to Postgres, you can now monitor the progress of an ongoing shard rebalance—plus you get performance optimizations, as well as some user experience improvements to the rebalancer, too.

Whether you use Citus open source to scale out Postgres, or you use Citus in the cloud, this post is your guide to what’s new with the shard rebalancer in Citus 10.1.

And if you’re wondering when you might need to use the shard rebalancer: the rebalancer is used when you add a new Postgres node to your existing Citus database cluster and you want to move some of the old data to this new node, to “balance” the cluster. There are also times you might want to balance shards across nodes in a Citus cluster in order to optimize performance. A common example of this is when you have a SaaS application and one of your customers/tenants has significant more activity than the rest.

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There is some good news for those of you wanting to shard your Postgres database in the cloud, so that as your data grows you have an easy way to scale out your Postgres database. I’m delighted to announce that Citus 10—the latest open source release of the Citus extension to Postgres—is now generally available in Hyperscale (Citus).

Hyperscale (Citus) is a built-in option in the Azure Database for PostgreSQL managed service, which has been around for a couple of years to help those of you who would rather focus on your application—and not on spending cycles managing your database.

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Citus 10.1 is out! In this latest release to the Citus extension to Postgres, our team focused on improving your user experience. Some of the 10.1 fixes are operational improvements—such as with the shard rebalancer, or with citus_update_node. Some are performance improvements—such as for multi-row INSERTs or with citus_shards. And some are fixes you’ll appreciate if you use Citus with lots of Postgres partitions.

Given that the previous Citus 10 release included a bevy of new features—including things like columnar storage, Citus on a single node, open sourcing the shard rebalancer, new UDFs so you can alter distributed table properties, and the ability to combine Postgres and Citus tables via support for JOINs between local and distributed tables, and foreign keys between local and reference tables—well, we felt that Citus 10.1 needed to prioritize some of our backlog items, the kinds of things that can make your life easier.

This post is your guide to the what’s new in Citus 10.1. And if you want to catch up on all the new things in past releases to Citus, check out the release notes posts about Citus 10, Citus 9.5, Citus 9.4, Citus 9.3, and Citus 9.2.

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If you have a large PostgreSQL database that runs on a single node, eventually the single node’s resources—such as memory, CPU, and disk—may deliver query responses that are too slow. That is when you may want to use the Citus extension to Postgres to distribute your tables across a cluster of Postgres nodes.

In your large database, Citus will shine for large tables, since the distributed Citus tables will benefit from the memory across all of the nodes in the cluster. But what if your Postgres database also contains some small tables which easily fit into a single node’s memory? You might be wondering: do you need to distribute these smaller tables, even though there wouldn’t be much performance gain from distributing them?

Fortunately, as of the Citus 10 release, you do not have to choose: you can distribute your large tables across a Citus cluster and continue using your smaller tables as local Postgres tables on the Citus coordinator.

One of the new features in Citus 10 that enables you to use a hybrid “local+distributed” Postgres database is that you can now JOIN local tables and distributed tables. (The other new Citus 10 feature has to do with foreign keys between local and reference tables.)

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