Citus Blog

Articles tagged: psql

Craig Kerstiens

Postgres tips for the average and power user

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | July 17, 2019Jul 17, 2019

Personally I'm a big fan of email, just like blogging. To me a good email thread can be like a good novel where you're following along always curious for what comes next. And no, I don't mean the ones where there is an email to and someone replies all, to only receive reply-all's to not reply-all. I mean ones like started last week internally among the Azure Postgres team.

The first email was titled: Random Citus development and psql tips, and from there it piled on to be more and more tips and power user suggestions for Postgres. Some of these tips are relevant if you're working directly on the Citus open source code, others relevant as anyone that works with Postgres, and some useful for debugging Postgres internals. While the thread is still ongoing here is just a few of the great tips:

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Craig Kerstiens

Customizing My Postgres Shell

Written byBy Craig Kerstiens | July 16, 2017Jul 16, 2017

As a developer your CLI is your home. You spend a lifetime of person-years in your shell and even small optimizations can pay major dividends to your efficiency. For anyone that works with Postgres and likely the psql editor, you should consider investing some love and care into psql. A little known fact is that psql has a number of options you can configure it with, and these configuration options can all live within an rc file called psqlrc in your home directory. Here is my .psqlrc file, which I've customized to my liking. Let’s walk through some of the commands within my .psqlrc file:

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