Ozgun Erdogan

Ozgun Erdogan


Co-founder & CTO of Citus Data. Former Postgres engineering team director at Microsoft. Worked on distributed systems at Amazon. Speaker at PGCon, XLDB Conf, DataEngConf, PostgresOpen, & QCon. Dad.

Ozgun Erdogan

pgDaySF 2015 Takeaways

Written by By Ozgun Erdogan | April 7, 2015 Apr 7, 2015

We recently attended pgDaySF, the one-day PostgreSQL event organized by the San Francisco PostgreSQL User Group and part of the bigger FOSS4G conference. The event was very well attended, and we were excited by the content of several presentations...

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Ozgun Erdogan

How to Build Your Distributed Database (1/2)

Written by By Ozgun Erdogan | February 24, 2015 Feb 24, 2015

The first distributed database that I worked on was called CSPIT. The project was led by a visionary architect and involved some of the smartest developers I knew at Amazon.

CSPIT never saw the light of day. On the technical side, we ran into scalability...

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