Citus Blog

Articles tagged: statistics

Postgres keeps getting better and better. In recent years, the Postgres community has added JSONB support, improved performance, and added so many usability enhancements. The result: you can work even more powerfully with your database. Over the past 8 years, my favorite two enhancements have been JSONB and pg_stat_statements. Pg_stat_statements is a built-in extension that allows you to get high level insights into queries that are being run as well as their performance—without having to be an expert and without needing a PhD in databases.

Introducing the new landlord feature in Citus 7.5

With Citus 7.5, we've gone one step beyond the awesomeness of pg_stat_statements and Postgres, with the new landlord feature in Citus—to give you per-tenant stats.

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If you’ve done some performance tuning with Postgres, you might have used EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN shows you the execution plan that the PostgreSQL planner generates for the supplied statement. It shows how the table(s) referenced by the statement will be scanned (using a sequential scan, index scan etc), and what join algorithms will be used if multiple tables are used. But, how does Postgres come up with these plans?

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