Citus Blog

Articles tagged: CDC

Citus enables several different PostgreSQL use cases, but one of the most popular ones is to build scalable multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) applications. The most common way to build a multi-tenant application on Citus is to distribute all your Postgres tables by a “tenant ID” column. That way rows are (hash-)distributed across nodes, while rows with the same tenant ID value are co-located on the same node for fast local joins, transactions, and foreign keys.

For those of you who build SaaS apps, one question many of you have is how active your tenants are. More specifically: What are your busiest tenants? How many queries is your application doing on behalf of your tenants, and how much CPU do those queries use?

The new 11.3 release to the open source Citus database extension gives you tenant monitoring—with instant visibility into your top tenants using the new citus_stat_tenants feature, which shows query counts and CPU usage over a configurable time period.

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