Citus 13.0 is out! Now with PG17 Support. Read all about it in Naisila’s 13.0 blog post 💥
Citus 13.0 is out! Now with PG17 Support. Read all about it in Naisila’s 13.0 blog post 💥
Archive for March 2022
Made with from the Postgres team at Microsoft
Test drive the Citus 11.0 betaCitus 11.0 beta is out! With metadata syncing in this new version of Citus, you can query distributed tables from any node. Distributed tables, functions, types, sequences, etc. automatically show up everywhere to allow you to load balance distributed queries across worker nodes if needed. |
Mark your calendars for Citus Con: An Event for PostgresHappening Apr 12-13th, Citus Con is a free & virtual developer event with keynotes by Andy Pavlo of CMU, Umur Cubukcu from Citus, and Magnus Hagander from the PostgreSQL core team—plus 35 more delightful talks. Come learn with us. |
How to benchmark Citus & Postgres with HammerDBAll about the new open source benchmark tooling for using HammerDB to measure performance of Citus & Postgres on Azure. With interesting sample results. :) |
New “update” pages for Citus releasesInspired by the VS Code release notes pages, we just rolled out this new type of Citus release notes (aka updates). Let us know what you think. |
Ultimate guide to Citus ConBest? Ultimate? Only? Your guide to the 38 virtual talks at Citus Con: An Event for Postgres. Come see which sessions are for you. |
When someone asks about the name of your eventICYMI this 58 sec monologue was inspired by Alexis Gay and the many conversations we’ve all had about how to pronounce (and spell) PostgreSQL—and Citus. 15.9K views & growing. |
Video: sneak peek into Citus ConA video chat about what you can expect from all the customer, open source user, engineering, & community talks at Citus Con: An Event for Postgres. |
New Hyperscale (Citus) reference pageThis new docs reference page for Citus on Azure gives you a list of all the Citus functions—organized by categories like sharding, rebalancing, colocation, columnar, time partitioning, & and more. |
Citus on Azure supports the newest minor versions for PostgreSQLPostgreSQL minor versions 11.14, 12.9, 13.5, and 14.1 are now supported by Hyperscale (Citus)—and are available immediately on all newly-created Hyperscale (Citus) clusters and will be available to existing clusters as part of the next scheduled maintenance. |
ICYMI: Tips for installing Citus & Postgres packagesThis post from our Citus packaging expert covers topics like package repos, how to download older versions, role of docker, and support matrix for OS releases and versions. |
In Case You Missed It |
Citus on Azure now supports Private access on Microsoft docs |
interview with Claire Giordano |
New regions available for Citus on Azure from the Azure Updates feed |
Citus paper on Distributed PostgreSQL at SIGMOD by Marco Slot et al |
Follow Azure Database for PostgreSQL on LinkedIn for those who do the LinkedIn thing |
compiled by Lætitia Avrot |
Events & Conference Talks |
Citus Con is happening Apr 12-13! Virtual | Apr 12-13, 2022 | Mark your calendars |
Leipzig, Germany | May 13, 2022 | Registration open |
Haasrode, Belgium | May 19, 2022 |
Online (not in person) | PGCon 2022 | May 24-27, 2022 |
Rapperswil, Switzerland | Jul 01, 2022 |
Is Citus right for you? |
Ways to get started: download Citus, check out the inspired Citus documentation, visit our open source repo on GitHub, or watch Marco’s SIGMOD demo using HammerDB to measure the performance of Hyperscale (Citus) in Azure Database for PostgreSQL. |
A monthly email with the latest posts about Postgres & the Citus database extension
Made with from the Postgres team at Microsoft
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