Citus 13.0 is out! Now with PG17 Support. Read all about it in Naisila’s 13.0 blog post 💥
Citus 13.0 is out! Now with PG17 Support. Read all about it in Naisila’s 13.0 blog post 💥
Archive for March 2021
Made with from the Postgres team at Microsoft
Citus 10 is out!Citus 10 is our most spectacular open source release yet. Marco's post gives an overview of columnar for Postgres, the open source shard rebalancer, Citus on a single node, & so much more. |
Columnar compression comes to CitusCitus 10 brings columnar to Postgres. This post includes a quickstart and link to the Citus 10 Columnar demo. Plus, row vs. columnar comparisons for data loading, compression ratios, & query response times. |
Shard rebalancer = open sourceBig news: in Citus 10, we open sourced the shard rebalancer. Learn how it works, how to use it, and your options for different rebalancing strategies. |
Citus on a single node, wait what?With Citus 10, you can now shard Postgres on a single node. Onder explains when you might want to do this, and what it means to distribute your tables on a single Citus node. |
PG 14 stories: Speeding up recovery & VACUUMA "how we did it" post. All about Postgres committer David Rowley's performance engineering efforts to make recovery and vacuum faster in PostgreSQL 14. |
Video demo of Citus 10 ColumnarLearn how to use the new Citus 10 columnar feature for Postgres to achieve 3x-10x compression ratios, reduce IOPs, & deliver faster query responses. |
Run docker runBecause of the new single-node Citus feature introduced in Citus 10, it's easier than ever to try Citus. After installing Docker, you can now start Citus with just a single docker run command. |
PostgreSQL accepted for GSoC 2021Not-surprising but good to hear anyway: the PostgreSQL open source project has been accepted to participate in the Google Summer of Code program. For the 14th time. |
Hello to pg_auto_failover v1.5.1Just last week Dimitri Fontaine tweeted that pg_auto_failover 1.5.1 is out. And the updated documentation now includes man pages for all commands. |
New table & shard views in Citus 10If you've ever wanted a human-readable table view into all your Citus tables (how meta) or all the low-level shard metadata, these new Citus doc pages should make you happy. |
The first Citus 10 talk at a meetupIf you missed the Citus 10 talk and demo at the open source meetup a few weeks ago, not to worry. Claire’s and Nils’s slides are on speakerdeck, and there's a video, too. |
ICYMI: Faster Postgres data migrationsTips for migrating from one Postgres database to another. Covers pg_dump, pg_restore, and Parallel Loader. |
You May Also Like |
Scalable incremental data aggregation by Marco Slot on the Citus Blog |
Distributed count(distinct) with HyperLogLog (HLL) by Burak Yucesoy on the Citus Blog |
Feature casualties of large databases by Brandur Leach |
Call for input: State of Postgres 2021 survey by Team Timescale |
Introducing pg_query 2.0: parsing Postgres queries by Lukas Fittl on the pganalyze blog |
Events & Conference Talks |
Citus at CMUDB: Vaccination Database Talks Slides | Marco Slot | Citus: Distributed PostgreSQL as an Extension |
Slides | Claire Giordano & Nils Dijk | open source meetup |
Architecting petabyte scale analytics by scaling out Postgres Video | Alicja Kucharczyk | PASS Hybrid Virtual Group |
Slides for Architecting petabyte-scale analytics talk Slides | Alicja Kucharczyk | PASS Hybrid Virtual Group |
Video | Alicja Kucharczyk & Sushant Pandey | PGConf.Russia 2021 |
Is Citus right for you? |
Ways to get started: download Citus, check out the inspired Citus documentation, visit our open source repo on GitHub, or watch Marco’s SIGMOD demo using HammerDB to measure the performance of Hyperscale (Citus) in Azure Database for PostgreSQL. |
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Made with from the Postgres team at Microsoft
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