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Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023

Virtual sessions at-a-glance

Each livestream has a different keynote with ~6 unique sessions, so you may want to join both livestreams. And the ~25 on-demand sessions are inspiring too. All talks are in English and will have captioning. Be sure to click the “add to calendar” buttons.

Join the #cituscon channel on Discord to join the conversation.

Explore on-demand talks
Americas live sessions:
Apr 18 | 9a–12:30p PDT (UTC-7) Watch replay
EMEA live sessions:
Apr 19 | 9a–12:30p CEST (UTC+2) Watch replay
On-demand sessions:


The Postgres and Citus team at Microsoft is proud to be the host of Citus Con: An Event for Postgres.