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Taylor Troesh

Taylor Troesh

mayor of

Taylor tinkers with writing, learning, time, design, software, ideas, humor, and entrepreneurship.

POSETTE 2024 Talk

How/Why to Sweep Async Tasks Under a Postgres Table

(Livestream 3)

Instead of returning hostile "500" errors to users, a small async worker query pattern makes fault-tolerant design the default.

In this talk, we'll talk about (1) how backend/database design impacts frontend experience, (2) the pervasive insanity of hand-rolling two-phase commit, (3) Postgres as a platform, (4) how async DB queues form a natural complement to Jira, and (5) how the tiny async query pattern works, and (6) how to tweak the query for optimized parallelism, prioritization, and sampling.

The Postgres team at Microsoft is proud to be the organizer of POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con).