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Silvano Coriani

Silvano Coriani

Product Management - Postgres on Azure

Silvano Coriani is a Program Manager in Azure Database for PostgreSQL team at Microsoft. He has over 25 years of experience in application development and database design, troubleshooting, and performance tuning. He is specialised in data access libraries, query optimisation, and distributed system design. He is also an author and speaker in many international industry conferences.

POSETTE 2024 Talk

HA and DR at a glance with Azure Database for PostgreSQL

(Livestream 2)

Implementing a highly available (HA) database tier for mission critical applications with PostgreSQL is not a walk in the park! It requires selecting the right technologies and workflows, plus involving people with the right skills. Those are the ingredients that a cloud vendor like Microsoft is baking into a PaaS service like Azure Database for PostgreSQL, so you can get business continuity out of the box.

In this session, you will learn about the capabilities offered by the Azure managed database service, from local and zone-redundant High Availability (HA) to Multi-region Disaster Recovery (DR) for PostgreSQL.

You will also learn how to leverage new features like Virtual Endpoints and Read Replica's "Promote to Primary" to create highly reliable deployments with minimal effort.

The Postgres team at Microsoft is proud to be the organizer of POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con).