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Chris Ellis

Chris Ellis


Chris is a computing and electronics geek, who loves working with Open Source software. He is a jack of all trades consultant usually spending his time engineering systems with PostgreSQL, Java and Linux. Now and then he gets time to design some electronics often involving ESP32s, Raspberry Pi CM4s and LED badges.

POSETTE 2024 Talk

Even JSONB In Postgres Needs Schemas

(Livestream 2)

PostgreSQL offers great support for JSON, which has been a game changer for me in a number of projects and use cases, offering easy solutions for those times where you really need to store complex structures, or the unknowns.

However often you still need to be in control of what is being stored, or at least requiring some shape at minimum.

Thankfully PostgreSQL has a great range of features for ensuring data integrity and making our future lives easier.

We'll take a brief overview of PostgreSQL's JSON support, along with some practical and real world examples of when and how you can use it.

Then we'll look at how you can control those unknown unknowns with JSON Schema and CHECK constraints.

Podcast Appearances

Becoming expert at using PostgreSQL with Chris Ellis

The Postgres team at Microsoft is proud to be the organizer of POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con).