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An Event for Postgres

A virtual developer event
JUNE 11-13

Citus Con is now POSETTE

brought to you with by the Postgres Team @ Microsoft

POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (pronounced /Pō-zet/, and formerly called Citus Con) is a free and virtual developer event. The name POSETTE stands for Postgres Open Source Ecosystem Talks Training & Education. Happening on Jun 11-13, 2024, join us for 4 unique livestreams to hear from open source users, Azure database customers, and experts in PostgreSQL and Citus. Come learn what you can do with the world’s most advanced open source relational database—from the nerdy to the sublime.

Slonik Postgres elephant icon plus You

Join us for our 3rd annual virtual event—POSETTE

Join us for POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con)! Virtual, free, and global—no matter where you are in the world, as long as you have an internet connection, you can participate. You can expect some fabulous Postgres talks—as is fitting for an event about the world’s most advanced open source relational database (and its extensions & tools).

Across a 48-hour period, you’ll have 4 different livestreams to choose from, in times that are convenient wherever you are on the planet—plus our speakers will be live on chat to answer all of your questions. You can participate in live chat with the other attendees in the livestream and in the #posetteconf channel in our Microsoft Open Source Discord before, during, and after the event. Whether you run your applications in the cloud on Azure or on-prem, there’s much to learn from others who are also building their apps on PostgreSQL. And of course there will be talks about distributing Postgres with Citus, too.

Superlative speakers, check

See all the amazing POSETTE speakers

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Brought to you by the Postgres team at Microsoft

Members of the Postgres team at Microsoft—including the Postgres contributors, the people who work on Azure Database for PostgreSQL up in the cloud, the Citus open source database engine, and the Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL team—are all proud to host POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con). We hope you enjoy it!

Event web pages hosted on the Citus open source website, with thanks.